Friday, September 15, 2006

Considering My Options

I have three completed manuscripts waiting for publication, but no money to afford another Trafford publication at this time. As far as working with Publish America is concerned, I need to see a dramatic boost in book sales before I can try and entice them once more with proposals. In a sense it is rather humilating and embarassing to present myself to these people. I come to them as a published author of 4 books, but no incredible sales record or means to seriously promote myself. I could have the bestseller of the year in my hot little hands right at this moment but it will never be seen beacuse I have no money for promotion (or time for that matter) and no publishing company willing to work with me based on my need. It should be in their best interest to do some marketing of their own books as well if they are seeking profit. I don't get it sometimes. They make my books, but do none of the advertising or networking. How do these smaller publishing companies make their money?

Anyhow, I am obviously going to continue to write when I have time or motivation. But what I really need is a means of getting the word out on my work. How many people honestly look at these blogs and of those people, how many notice mine?

It is so easy for me to encourage future writers, but also just as easy to discourage them. But in this business, you have to be honest. You can't go into writing expecting to be a literary god or goddess. Of the millions of authors and writers that are out there, only a fraction will ever get recognition.


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