Monday, March 13, 2006

A Little News...

One of my favored fans and book reviewers, Kristin Johnson conducted an interview with me for Dark Recesses Press, an on-line magazine with a respectable readership. I kinda wish I had the transcript of the interview to post on this Blog, but you can all catch the interview in all its revealing tell-all glory pretty soon I imagine. I'll update that as soon as I find out.

The interview was based on vampires and the theme of seduction. By drawing from my published works and the themes I have often used in my work- seduction, temptation, and the struggles within dueling natures- this interview got to be very juicy and fascinating from my perspective. I found Kristin's line of questioning very refeshing and actually challenging. But I really enjoyed getting some of my messages across and highlighing some key things that make my work so important and so emotional to me.

Even though I do deal in mature themes and horror- I do try very hard to inject redeeming values and important lessons about inner strength, moral values, and the perserverence of innocense and dreams. I try to make it known through my characters that the spirits and ambitions of children are not to be taken lightly or to be underestimated. I should think this interview will heighten people's awareness not just about my works and what they represent, but also about the nature of our own dark sides and how easily we are seduced and tempted to go astray with ourselves sometimes.


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