Saturday, May 06, 2006

Summer Plans

Basically without a publisher at this time, all I can do is focus on my current writing project- which is still to finish Book Two of my Dragon's Tear Chronicle: "While the Wolves Cry". Even though I have the manuscript for "Midnight Rhapsody" waiting in the wings, there isn't much I can do with it now at least until I do some publisher hunting.

There may be a different sort of project in the wings next year as well- I may be co-authoring a book with my friend Qi Lu, who is a Chinese student here at Eastern C0nnecticut State University. She and I may collaborate on a book delving into the colorful stories behind 30 Chinese characters (kanji) and the history of each character as it developed from early heiroglyphs or pictographs. It is a sort of primer on Chinese language. Should be creative and interesting if it works out.


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