Monday, February 06, 2006

A Few Months Hesitation....

Yeah, I should have sent something in by now to my publisher, yet I find myself hesitating and waiting. I was going to send "Midnight Rhapsody" out to Publish America for consideration, but a little voice in my head (probably my muse) told me to hold off for a while. I suspect its beacuse the muse and I are really going to butt heads on the condition of this manuscript. She (my muse) might be thinking this manuscript isn't very good. I might be inclined to believe her considering how "Chasing Shadows" came out. It is a tough act to follow that's for sure. That book is by far the best of my work so far next to "Dancing with the Moon".

If I had to conduct a fan poll of what they thought was my best work yet, it'd be fascinating. If any of my fans happen to see this blog, by all means place a vote or comment! Let me know how I'm doing. Tell me what you like or don't like. Share your thoughts.

I was thinking of sci-fi and fantasy for a while now- and maybe a story that's a bit more exotic and erotic at the same token. There's a lot of possibilities.


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