Sunday, February 12, 2006

Letter of Intent

I sent a letter of intent to Publish America today for my proposed 5th book, entitled "Midnight Rhapsody". I know I have been sitting on this manuscript for some time and pondering and second guessing and doubting it all along. It is only a 123 page manuscript and only the sum of off and on efforts throughout a 3 year span between other projects- but it has been a huge source of intrigue for me beacuse there was more than enough in this manuscript to pass the test of time and more than enough to make me feel extremely proud of much of the work. Yet I doubt it for a few different reasons. I doubt that people will enjoy it, understand it, or even read it. I doubt I will see this 5th book bringing me any success as a known author any more than my previous works. I envision a well made book, a superb story of images, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and evocative sensations- but I do not see myself being percieved as anything more than a writer of unread books.

I feel almost akin to Edgar Alan Poe. His work was never well recieved in his own time either. In fact I believe most people shunned it or shied away from it. It wasn't until long after his death that perhaps some of his works got a second glance and second life. Nowadays his works are considered classics of the horror genre and required readings. I should very much like to be known for my works at least while I am alive to hear the critics pan my work or applaude it. I should hate to die a miserable old man who never knew if his most creative works were recieved or appreciated.

Anyhow, Publish America has my letter of intent and although I feel differently about this proposal than any other I have sent- I am confident that no matter what happens, I will continue to write.


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