Saturday, November 19, 2005

Fame... How Elusive Is It?

It is a circular argument that I have to deal with as a published author dealing with On-Demand Publishing at the scale I am working with. The companies I am working with produce my books one at a time to fill orders that may come to them. Their printing costs are presumably, reduced, yet still high beacuse they produce trade paperbacks of high quality. The circular argument is this...

Each book costs anywhere from $16.85 - $33.48 suggested retail price. My royalties range anywhere from .34 cents to $5.14. I would see more royalties if I could sell more books... I could sell more books if the price of the books was lower and each book was more affordable. At best I could forego recieving any royalties and knock off maybe $2.00 - $5.00 off the retail price of the books. But the books would remain close to $20.00 a pop.

I feel cheated and I feel like I am ripping off the consumers and readers. Even if my novels and stories represent my utmost best work possible, I am asking my fans to shell out as much as a Harry Potter 1st Edition Hardcover. I am never going to see or attain royalties at this rate and God knows it will be a long time before I develop a fan base. Not that I am in any kind of real hurry... but it would be nice to see some kind of tangiable return on my investments and creativity.

Just as a side note, it's not that I am considered an unknown author so much... word is getting around... it's just that my work is unknown. It's like sure, Dave is an author and he's published too, we just can't afford any of his books so we don't know if he's even any good at what he writes.

I think at some point I will need to consider a bigger publishing company.


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