Monday, October 31, 2005

3rd Anniversary as Writer

This Halloween marks the 3rd anniversary of the day I began my professional writing career. It was October 31st, 2003 when I first sat down to write "Dancing with the Moon" with the intent on seeing it published. I knew the moment I started typing this brand new story from my head onto screen, I wanted it to be read by as many people as possible. At least that is what I felt that day. Since then as I continued working on the project and reasearching publishers, I felt a little more wary each day that the public would hate my work and that my stories would have no merit to them.

But as I completed the work several months later and began the arduous task of self-editting it, I felt convinced that I had gold on my hands. Later when my friends got back to me after the book's May release date, they reaffirmed my faith in my writing abillity and totally validated my intentions and dreams of writing good, heartfelt, solid horror of a whole new genre where emotions and characters break and shatter stereotypes and heroes and villians are not as they appear to be. I wanted so much out of my stories and my friends and fans have thus far confirmed to me that I generously delivered.

So on this Halloween, I plan to restructure some ideas I've had and begin work on the sequel to the book that got me started.


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