Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Midnight Rhapsody - Rejection

Dear Mr. McLeod:
Thank you for your submission of Midnight Rhapsody to PublishAmerica.
Based on the sales performance of your previously published book(s),
we cannot offer a contract for this work at this time. Please do not
take this as a setback to all your hard work as a writer. We are sure
you will find a publisher to fit your needs for this book.
We wish you the best of luck.
Acquisitions Department

They went through the trouble of asking me for a submission, expressed interest in my proposal. Yet all they had to do was look my name up in their database, check my sales records and reject me based on numbers. They didn't even read the manuscript. Proof positive that in publishing, some companies (or most anyway) consider the bottom line before the story. If the product (story) is worth publishing and marketing, then publish it and market it. If the publishing company wants more profit- advertise, market, put out! Why leave it to the author to assume all the financial and business aspects of a job the producer and distributor and potential retail chains should do? Since when did authors become their own Barnes and Nobles? Since when did publishing companies stop promoting their own products? Or is their product only publishing a book and leaving it to hang?


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