Monday, November 19, 2007

A Glimmer of Hope for an Old Manuscript

"Midnight Rhapsody", an old manuscript I had written back in December 2002 through February 2005, has attracted the interest of Publish America. I am hoping the interest turns into a publishing contract.

As some of you have heard of this manuscript, "Midnight Rhapsody" is a chilling literary symphony of four indivuals- strangers caught up in the world of immortality- who each offer a series of stories and scenes taken from their experiences. Little do these strangers realize that their lives blend and intertwine with each other like movements in a tragic opera. Little do they see how each of them affects the livelihood and survival of the other. But their lives seem to be on a climatic, crescendo course headlong into each other.

The book is dark, beautiful, magestic, lyrical, and every bit a piece of art. You will glimpse the dance macabre... the dark fantastique... the night vampiric....
Like a pleasant nightmare.


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