Sunday, November 11, 2007

"Running from the Sun" - Update

"Running from the Sun" - Update
Nov. 11th, 2007 03:22 am
The first draft of the new manuscript I am working on, "Running from the Sun" is now at 43,344 words and 78 pages. I am on "Part Two,Chapter Two" now and still not in the real meat and potatoes of the novel yet. Yes, its probably a long set up and back story at this stage... but it will all make sense once you see where I'm going with it. The reader just has to trust me on this one. The journey may be a long one, but it will be the most eye opening and hopefully the most enlightening trip you take with me.What is really exciting is that I have already been invited to speak about this book at a conference being held here at Eastern next semester. I will be asked to talk about how my work as a fiction novelist and writer blended with historical research on this novel and massive project. It will be my 3rd stint as a public speaker touting my books and writing. Instead of speaking before 20-40 Japanese anime fans at Connecticon though, I will be speaking in front of an unknown number of faculty and students in a much more formal academic setting.The book is coming along smoothly now that I have a firm idea of where I want to go with it. I am also very comfortable with how the research is coming into the work. I have also built up a nice rhythm with this book.I am hoping that by the time the finished product comes out, you'll see how easy it is to grow attached to the characters and the setting. I think if I can draw you into the story, you'll have a greater understanding of the history and the stories surrounding the history and stemming from that history. I hope that if you are at all fascinated, curious, or moved by the subject of Japanese-American culture and the events of Japanese-American internment in 1942-1945, you follow this blog or journal and ask questions of me or at least post some interest. I miss getting feedback. P.S. As for Book Three of the Dragon's Tear... the final draft is getting another look over and I am adjusting some of the last few chapters. A new development in the storyline popped in my head last minute that really sparked up my muse.

David McLeod


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