Thursday, November 01, 2007

Midnight Rhapsody - Re-Visited?

I don't know why exactly I put a little pause on my current projects to go through my "Back Burner" folder to seek out this old manuscript, "Midnight Rhapsody". It was started back in December 2002 either just before my grandmother passed away or just briefly afterwards. It was worked on off and on like a little side project- a strange diversion that I suppose I never really took seriously. In 2005 though I finished the manuscript and had me about 123 pages of material.

The manuscript is very "visual-leaning" meaning the work definitely evokes images and mental scenes that seem to play out. As for story or plot- well that's the trick. The book is essentially focused on the blending of four very unique individuals- strangers to each other. Their journals and diaries tells us their stories in fact and how the stories and the actors who play roles in them mesh together unwittingly until the end.

The book is not very... hmmm... its not what you would come to expect from a vampire novel. Its a lot like reading a symphony and watching a movie with your mind's eyes.

Even though my book sales through Publish America are horrendous at best, I am taking a chance with them again for a third time to see where this manuscript can go- if anywhere. If they don't bite, maybe I'll post segments of the manuscript here on my blog.


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