Sunday, October 23, 2005

If I Were to Cast for Movie Versions of my Books

If I had my choice of actors and actresses to portray my characters from all my books I would instantly and immediately choose the following:

Kevin Spacey as Adam Cavanaugh
Julia Roberts as Beverly Cavanaugh
Morgan Freeman as Amos
Sir Anthony Hopkins as Lord Robert James Whitworth
Liam Neeson as Chief Sheridan
Antonio Banderas as Moon

The rest of the major characters like Amy, Robyne,Tsigane, and Grammy would be tough calls.

Harrison Ford strikes me as a good Chief Sheridan as well...
The youngest central actress in the movie "Mrs. Doubtfire"... Dakota something... would be my 1st choice for playing a young Amy.

Natalie Portman would also make a great Beverly Cavanaugh thinking on it.

Sometimes when I write characters, I do have vivid images of well known faces in the back of my mind and these faces sometimes best resemble well known actors or actresses. With some major characters though it isn't always easy... their faces change almost day to day as does their overall appearence in my mind. It's an odd observation. With Amy, she changed dramatically in my mind between how I imagined her in Dancing with the Moon and Chasing Shadows. But then again, I was covering more of her life's story and progression in Chasing Shadows so I had to see her many faces and expressions. Perhaps in the sequel still in progress I will get a new Amy?


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