Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dark Returns: Tales of East River

Hello everyone! "Dark Returns" is now officially done and off to the publishers!!! Book #10 is done! Can you believe it? I have 10 books now to my name and credit?

So what is "Dark Returns" basically about?

Well... it's a coninuation of Amy Cavanaugh and Robyne Sheridan's life essentially with some added, maybe unexpected twists that have surfaced from my previous books. Amy and Robyne get visited by some very important figures in their past. Maybe you can already guess who if you have been following along. If you are clueless, pick up "Chasing Shadows: Tales of East River" for some hints.

I put some tough questions before Amy and Robyne the likes of which they have never faced before. Imagine you had to make the choice to sever all ties with someone very close to you. Imagine having to kill someone who raised you and gave you life? Imagine finding out that the one you thought you could trust with all your heart and soul was in fact hell bent on killing you since you were a little kid?

What if everything you thought you knew was one huge illusion? How would you deal with that?

These are just some of the ideas that went into this book. It should be out through Wordclay Publishing in about two weeks so stay tuned!


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