Monday, July 26, 2010

100th Post

One of the downsides of writing sequels is how to cover back story and established character histories without dragging out the current story. I am 256 pages into my 10th book and as I am going along, I am essentially continuing a story that has spanned 4 books--well to be more exact, I am telling the story of two characters trying to resolve a very profound loose end.
The problem is, can a reader who picks up this book understand and grasp what the devil is going on without having to pick up all the other books in the series? My answer is, "Why would you pick up only one book in a series?" That would be like picking up "Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallows" without picking up or at least skimming the other six books.

But somehow, in each book of a series, there is enough back story in each to clue the reader into the overall story arc. But if you miss a book in a series, you lose something.

You can't watch "Return of the Jedi" without first watching "The Empire Strikes Back" otherwise you'll be scratching your head as to why on Earth Luke Skywalker would even care about saving Darth Vader's soul.

But for those silly or backward enough to pick up the last book of a series first, how does one give enough background story to keep a reader informed of what's going on?

10 books into my humble career and I am still tackling that issue.

The next topic I'm posting on is in regards to book 11. I am working on a stand alone novel entitled "Silent Uproar". I might have mentioned this story in previous posts but I will refresh your memories. The premise is that a young Deaf girl's parents are mysteriously murdered in a midnight home invasion. A psychic detective takes the case and comes to an abrupt dead end until this Deaf girl starts have nightmares, visions, flashbacks, and odd visits. Now she must somehow convince this detective she has clues as to her parents' killer.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have picked up a Dean Koonz book that I had no clue was part of a series until after loved it so much then had to find out if I had picked the first or last in the series but still it rocked. so I would only hope yours to do the same and make me want to grab another :)

3:58 PM  

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