Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Update for November 18th, 2008

I was going over a finished manuscript and galley file for "The Light of Redemption" the other day with a funny, sneaky suspicion that there was something screwy with it. Even though I technically sent to the printers and it is already a published book, I went through the manuscript anyway and noted some glaring continuity errors and editting issues- bigger errors than I realised and ones I thought I would have fixed a long time ago. I guess I was distracted at the time. (Duh... like there was a shortage of distractions...)

I cancelled the publication and had the book taken from the online bookstore so that I could prevent the error riddled book from being sold. I will have a revised book out in its place very soon. I am in the process of de-bugging my manuscript and making sure everything belongs where it needs to. The last thing I want to do is produce an inferior book on what I consider to be a very special series of novels.

Also coming up, my historical/fiction, "Running from the Sun" will be featured in several book reviews and blogs fairly soon. As soon as I get more information, I invite you all to have a look. I should also be getting some initial book reviews from some professors. I am hoping that the reviews match the initial enthusiasm most have had for my work thus far.


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