Tuesday, November 11, 2008

An Interesting Book Review I Found - "The Audition"

Gifted Writer - by Anonymous
Reader Rating (4 stars of 5)
Posted May 13, 2006, 5:54 PM EST: The author is a very gifted writer. Overall, I enjoyed his book to no end. The books only literary drawback is the character Madame Tatiana. She nauseated me. She bored me. She did everything except scare me. She also seemed repetitive. Furthermore, learning about the bodily fluids of an eleven year old didn't endear me to the author. Aside from my comments above my only gripe is with the book cover. A book that costs over double the going rate shouldn't have a blurry image on the front cover. I could totally empathize with his protagonist Paige. My parents undermined me for years and I was always picked on. As a terrible student I was the bud of every joke. I love the books theme. If you want something bad enough, you should never give up!


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