Friday, November 07, 2008

The first words out of reviewer and screenplay writer Kristen Johnson's mouth after finishing my book..."Running from the Sun is GREAT!"I am very glad she liked it and I am sure she will put up a good review in December's edition of under Historical Fiction.I have felt very good about this book from the moment I started doing the research. There was an incredible spark behind it and I knew I just had to follow through with it and ride the story to its end. There is just something about the creative process where if you don't take advantage of a hot idea, you lose and lose big... but when you strike while the iron is still hot... bam... gold. The more I re-read this book or even chapters from it, the more I get emotionally attached and the more I feel the tears streaming from the corners of my eyes or get those goosebumps. I have to constantly remind myself that this isn't someone else's work I am reading... It's actually MINE. And granted, there are burps, editting issues, and mispellings, etc here and there.... but the story is very much intact and alive and thriving... if anything the little burps only add a sense of authenticity to the narration if you think about the "voice" of the book. What kid would get it right the first time if writing or sharing a story of this immense scope?If you take it from the right perspective, as a child writing the story and narrating it and forget ME... it is definitely an experience I think.


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