Monday, September 26, 2005

The Vampire, Colette

The next character I have written that comes to mind is Colette. At face vaule she is supposed to be the vampire everyone expects her to be. Vampires as blood-thirsty creatures and predators- hardly the human they were.
Well when I created Colette, I created someone who was going to break all the rules and conventions of what a vampire is and was supposed to be. Colette was a human first and foremost and she had a strong background as a caregiver, a nurse, a mother, and so on. Why on Earth would she give that up? Vampires are simply made- not born. Colette was born a loving person who cares for those she loves. She was made into a predator. But just beacuse she sprouts fangs doesn't mean she has to obey that Hunger if she can fight it.
I would of course stress the word IF. Her story is all about struggle. Her life and immortality is all about the choices she must make.

When it comes to Amy, her "adopted" granddaughter.... she is constantly striving to push aside her vampiric nature- or at least use it to some benefit in protecting the girl. Amy draws out the best qualities in Colette and these best parts collectively make up the persona known as "Grammy".

Colette is a two sided coin like we all are- but her two sides are more blurred or more stark black and white at times... one never knows where one side begins or ends.... but sometimes one sees her as a two-faced being. For Amy... thankfully, there is only "Grammy".

When I wrote Colette, I first approached her in her "Grammy" persona and based much of her being from what I remember of my own grandmother. There aren't many actual similarities save for the common strength and love all grandmothers have for their loved ones. It was her vampiric side I had the most trouble with and bringing her two sides together was and still is the focus of my attention as I try to write Book Two of the Dragon's Tear Chronicle.

If I have a time table for the next published work... I am looking at maybe a few months until maybe I release a collection of short stories I have.... or a manuscript called "Midnight Rhapsody". We'll see.

But for the sequel... much work needs to be done. Colette and I have much to talk about and think about- much concerns little Amy.



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