Thursday, September 15, 2005

Interview with a Vampire Writer

Hello all. My name is David Conlin McLeod. I am a published author of 4 books. "Dancing with the Moon" , "Two Past Twilight", "The Audition", and my recently released "Chasing Shadows: Tales of East River". I am 30 years old and a college freshman transfer student at Eastern Connecticut State University. I am majoring in Elementary Education and History. My main goal in life is to teach, but also to continue to build my writing career and help those who aspire to be a published author.
I have a live journal also....

I suppose I could give a telling of my life story, but I find horror fiction and vampire fiction far more entertaining and interesting than non-fiction.

When the time is right, more will be revealed. For now, enjoy the taste you have been given.... and yes... I do appreciate the vampires.


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