Saturday, September 17, 2005

Dancing with the Moon

Okay, "Dancing with the Moon"...
I might have to correct myself since the last entry in this blog. I started writing this book on October 31st of 2002- not 2003. It was released in 2003 at about the same time as my grandmother's birthday on May 13th.

"Dancing with the Moon" was my answer to bad vampire movies and God-awful cliches. I was trying to illustrate a point that some genres - like horror and vampires- need to be further expolored and expanded upon. I wanted to write a book with heart and soul. I wanted to show the readers characters that were nothing like the typical stereotypes so often seen.
I didn't want to write a slasher gore fest novel or some romantic thriller. I wanted something different- something that couldn't be defined with mere words; but with emotions and feelings and resonating memories.
The vampire of the story is the grandmother of a young 13 year-old mentally challenged girl in need of family, love, care, and support. The girl's only wish in life is to be a ballerina and dance ballet like her "Grammy". The vampire, "Grammy", would love to make her ward's dreams come true and then some- but along comes this nasty element resurfacing from her past. This element involves a strange relic necklace and a vampire elder who seeks to strip her of this relic and deprive her of her existance.
There is much more to this plot and several storylines develop throughout this book. In truth "Dancing with the Moon" is but one book in a much larger series still trapped in my head.
At some point in this blog/autobiography I will go into more detail about the connections I have with myself and the characters I create.

For now, this vampire needs his beauty sleep. The sun almost rises.


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