Friday, September 16, 2005

The "Enlightenment" of a Vampire Writer

My love affair with the world of vampires first came about in the summer of 1997 in the town of West Hartford, CT. Technically though I hadn't started writing true vampire fiction until October 31st, 2003. I always knew about vampires and vampire lore and mythology... Bram Stoker, "The Lost Boys", Anne Rice, Stepehen King's "Salem's Lot" and all of that... but the world of vampires didn't really open up until I discovered White Wolf and their line of roleplaying games and their line of fiction.
I didnot and do not take their work as my own,however I do incorporate their moods and attitudes in regards to vampires coming from all walks of life and living in a modern-day Gothic-Punk sort of realm if you will. I latched onto their ideas of vampires clinging to their humanity- having still some semblance of their former selves locked within them.
I did write one manuscript of about 600 pages entitled "Bubblegum Angel" depicting a young 11 year-old orphan named Paige Tucker- based on White Wolf's "World of Darkness". I was actually hoping to see this manuscript published under their line of fiction with their full consent and support. However that never came to be as their fiction line was going in a new direction and they had a different strategy and business mind than what I anticipated. But by April of 2000 I had "Bubblegum Angel" finished in its raw "White Wolf" format where it stands unseen even today. Although I do plan to edit it and see it published entirely as my own original work void of "White Wolf" liscenced terminology or referrences.
My first true work of vampire fiction was "Dancing with the Moon" which is book one of a chronicle of books I plan to write about a vampiric artifact known as the "Dragon's Tear". I started writing this book in responce to a horrible Romanian horror movie I happened to see on Halloween Night 2003 on the Sci-Fi Network.

I'll continue this little chat later... I must see an associate of mine about information regarding the French-Indian War.



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