Friday, February 04, 2011

Possibly Shifting Gears???

Lately I have enrolled in a Fiction Writing course that seems to be focusing on the short story--not exactly what I had been hoping for. I never felt strong writing short stories or anything less than a few thousand words long. But there is something to be gained from trying to get the most out of as few words as possible. If anything, short stories force the writer to economize and try and get out the best out of the least. Short stories seem to train the writer to do as much as possible--set the scene, establish the characters, establish the conflict, resolve the conflict--in bite size chewables.

Some people like short stories. Some people don't have the patience or endurance for a novel. Some people don't have the attention span for a novel. But these days I am finding fewer and fewer people are finding the time to even read these days.

The class I am in has at least given me some new ideas and an excuse to write more. It has also provided me with a new audience and feedback I don't normally get. Most writers depend on some feedback to guage the value or interest in their work. Aside from critics, writers don't normally hear from their readers.

I think this class will essentially allow me to experiment and tweak how I produce scenes or chapters. It will also allow me to see what types of things might turn people on or off to a story I produce. We'll see.



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