Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Projects - Summer 2010

Here's the latest projects I am currently working on.

Right now I am definitely in the thick of a novel entitled, "Dark Returns: Tales of East River". This book will be a follow-up to much of my earlier works of the "Dragon's Tear Chronicle" and also "Chasing Shadows: Tales of East River". I am taking some characters into some darker directions and digging deep into some of the history behind my major antagonist characters. Most fans should be surprised with what will come up. The only hints I will give are that this book is somewhat inspired by the classic movie "The Lost Boys" starring Kiefer Sutherland, Corey Haim, and Corey Feldman. There is definitely going to be a new look for some familar villians as well.

I am also begining work on a stand alone East River novel entitled, "Silent Uproar" that I have been talking about for some time now. I have been developing the main characters and agonizing over the begining and setting of the book to some extent but I think I have finally gotten over the hump. What I can tell you so far is that the book will feature a Deaf teenaged girl facing a very difficult challenge with the help of a psychic Crime Scene Investigator or detective. It should be interesting.

The premise is that a young girl's parents are brutally murdered by a home intruder. This girl is Deaf. At the time of the home invasion and murders, this young girl is asleep in her bedroom, dreaming. She obviously hears nothing. She wakes to tragedy. All she has are visions and odd sensations to clue her in to what happened to her parents. As her world is turned upside-down, the visions persist and odd things happen in her dreams. Clues start to unravel and she begins to see the face of her parents' killer. Only problem is, she has no-one willing to believe her or take her seriously--that is until a psychic detective comes along to investigate the case.

Without the usual forensic evidence, without suspects, murder weapon, or the usual clues, Detective Agatha "Sherlock" Holmes must rely on Miyoko's strange visions and dreams to piece together the trail that will lead to her parents' killer. The trail will certainly lead to a confrontation, but will Miyoko and Detective Holmes be able to handle what they find?

I expect that with the way things have been going, I can expect "Dark Returns: Tales of East River" to be published through Wordclay Publishing pretty soon, maybe a month or two from now. "Silent Uproar" will probably be published in the Fall hopefully in time for Holloween.

Friday, May 07, 2010

"Dark Returns: Tales of East River" - Update

My latest project, "Dark Returns: Tales of East River" is now up to about 63 pages into the first draft and so far it is looking prettty good. It has a steady build up and those familiar with my "Dragon's Tear Chronicle" and the previous Tales of East River novel, "Chasing Shadows" will not be disappointed! I can say this much; there is definitely some unexpected tiwts right from the get-go.

In my mind as I write this novel, I am drawing from "The Lost Boys" again for inspiration. As classic 80's as that movie was with Corey Haim and Corey Feldman and all, it is definitely because of this movie that we have punk-vampires and contemporary vampires. That whole Twilight thing would not have been possible without "The Lost Boys".

Also, as a side note, I am working on a stand alone novel set in East River entitled "Silent Uproar". This novel will focus on the experiences of a Deaf teenaged girl as she looks for an unknown murderer resposinsible for killing her parents. Her only clues come to her in the form of visions, nightmares, and dreams.

Been reading Stephen King's "On Writing" again for inspiration and fun. With all this free time I have before grad school, been catching up on some much missed reading.