Sunday, December 11, 2005

Iinteresting New Site I Found...

Interesting new site I found that offers my books!
It lists Dancing with the Moon, The Audition, and Chasing Shadows: Tales of East River. The prices they offer them at seem reasonable enough compared to some other sites I have seen. If anyone is thinking a good holiday horror read, check out the site and have a look at the prices for my releases!

I guarentee you, faithful readers, that Tales of East River is well worth every cent. It will most definitely be the next Stephen King's "It" for you if not on par, perhaps if even better, in my opinion. But in all fairness, it is Stephen King who inspires me the most and it is his work that makes me want to write horror.

I should also mention that my next release will be coming out in about a year or so... I am pretty certain Midnight Rhapsody will see the light of day at some point and be a nice novella to add to your collections. It should be priced reasonably too at about the same as The Audition or less.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Unusual Publicity

I am getting a story published I think through Eastern Connecticut's literary magazine. It might get me some exposure around here. I am not sure if I will be recognized as a horror writer so much as a writer of drama or fiction though. The story I submitted was more geared for emotional responces than to just scare or terrify. It was a 2,500 word short blurb based on some characters I have writen on in the past.

I am thinking of writing and submitting more little short stories and character blurbs for Spring Semester.

Anything to keep my creative juices flowing. Cus the last thing I need is to dry up completely of ideas and character concepts. I also need to get back to my projects still waiting for me.