Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24th Update and News

After a semester Fiction Writing course, I have been compiling various short stories together and polishing them for publication. I plan on releasing a short story collection later this summer or early autumn. Included among the short stories is an adaptation I had done of Hans Christian Anderson's three page classic, "The Little Match Girl". I went an expanded the story considerably and went into some detail about the story behind the little match girl.

I am also including an earlier work I had done some time ago that I may have posted earlier in this blog, entitled "Bedtime Story". I also plan on including a possible chapter or two of "Silent Uporoar" that sort of reads like its own short story. The chapters will be under the title "Dreams of a Withering Lily".

Also included will be some short stories based on my favorite characters, Amy Cavanaugh and Robyne Sheridan from the East River series of stories previously published.

Based on the responces and interests generated from my Facebook Fan page and from whatever exposure I have gotten from my Fiction Writing class, I do plan on exploring more short stories and do plan on producing "Silent Uproar". Any further projects may involve another vampire novel or possibly a science fiction piece.

We will just have to wait and see.