Friday, September 10, 2010

Update on Recent and Upcoming Projects

Well loyal fans...
I am nearly done with "Dark Returns: Tales of East River" and should have it published and ready for purchase at by October 31st. Once published, I'll post some juicy excerpts on the blog for you to whet your appetite.

Let's see... I am also in the stages of putting down some work on an upcoming novel entitled "Silent Uproar" that I have been talking about and thinking about for some time now. I am hoping to really plow into this project and have something done by Christmas or so. I think I can do it because most of the story is pretty much worked out in my head. The typing is what's next.

I also plan to do a little more promotional work online for all my books and look at expanding my options and being more visible as a writer. I am hoping to wake up some of my fan base and expose them to vampire novels that are non-sparkly and non-Twihard.

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