Tuesday, December 01, 2009

December 2009 Update

Yes, it's been a while since I have updated this blog of mine. Considering I don't get much feedback on it though, it hardly seems a priority really. However, should there be fans dedicated and loyal reading and wondering where I have been all this time, here's the latest.

I am two weeks away from graduating with my Bachelor's degree in History and Social Sciences with a minor in Asian Studies. I am finishing up my final papers and projects and will be looking at Dec. 19th as my last day as an undergraduate student.

On the writing side of things, I am about 19-20 pages into a new book I am working on and have been thinking about for some time, entitled "Silent Uproar". I might have eluded to it before in earlier posts but as I get more material down and feel comfortable with it, I will post some updates on its progress.

I am also considering a book of science fiction and possibly a sequel to my historical fiction novel, "Running from the Sun". But for now, "Silent Uproar" is my current project.

In other news, I am finding "Interview with a Vampire" Anne Rice's interest in angels and Godly subjects interesting and fascinating. I haven't read any of her new novels as of yet, but I find it interesting that someone who has made their living writing vampire horror can do a total 180 switch to the divine and Godly subjects. Something must have triggered the shift in focus.

The "Twilight" saga makes me want to vomit and it spurs me to want to write even more work and put out matierial twice as deep and provocative than "Dancing with the Moon". The teen market deserves better I think, but clearly they like their bare chested vampires with their wispy locks and EMO soundtracks. Sad, really. What a way to feed the money machine by pandering to teenage hormones and sex appeal. (And jumping on a bandwagon that has long been established and done mostly to death.)