Saturday, September 27, 2008

"Running From the Sun" News

Now a few months old and out, "Running from the Sun" is causing a little bit of a buzz here at Eastern Connecticut State University among some faculty in the History and Social Sciences Department. After giving a conference talk last spring, I followed it up with the release of my 8th book, "Running from the Sun" to a lot of peaked interest. My independent study that coincided with my research and writing earned me an "A", and now the book is earning me some credibility as a serious writer and historian and researcher. I think if the reviews are positive from my professors, I will publish the reviews on this blog and elsewhere and go on to wrote the sequel to this book in the near future.

Given the amount of new interest in my work, and given the new genre you might say I have just discovered, I can see more historical fiction novels in the future. But first I do want to release Book Three of the Dragon's Tear Chronicle and put a triumphant addition to that series of vampire/horror.

In response to the new interest in vampire fiction from such things as that new "Twilight" series and whatever, I don't fear that my creative thunder has been stolen. I see myself having already been ahead of the curve with this new interest in vampires. People are finally begining to see once again the same qualities in vampire horror that I and many others have already seen many times before. I think its refreshing actually to see different perspectives and takes on the vampire genre and I am glad others feel the same way as I do about their potential to scare or enlighten us continuously. If there is this idea that I am jealous of these new authors or more popular TV shows or whatever- that's ridiculous. I have no reason to be jealous of anyone who is more read than me or more popular than me. What I offer is still unique, fresh, and every bit as quality as anyone else. I think because I keep myself in check and don't readily "sell out" to big publishers and etc, people can see that my intentions are far more sincere. I am a storyteller, not a moneymaker and not an opportunist riding on the coat-tails of someone else's popularity. I prefer to create my own niches and develop my fan base the honest, simple, and humble way- one book at a time.

That's not to say that these new vampire shows, movies, or books are produced by sell outs or insincere people or whatever- I only suggest that the fast track to popularity isn't always what its cracked up to be. I'd prefer slow and steady climbs to fame and I'd prefer to focus my energies on the stories themselves and not the amount of money they could make me.