Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Developing Story...

I have about 60 pages set in the first draft of "Running from the Sun". To help me get some perspectives I normally do not get, I have been researching WWII diaries, archives, and etc. from all sides of the Pacific. I have also enrolled in Asian-American Literature class.

To further get the word out on my works, Kristin Johnson of My Shelf.com has referenced me in her on-line writing course "You Wrote What?!". I also started a message board for my books:


Any of my friends and fans can register and ask me questions, comment on the books- whatever floats the boat or rubs the Buddha.

As always, you can find my book reviews at www.myshelf.com in the archives for Horror.

You can also see my books' sites via Trafford and Publish America.

Hope to hear from all of you!

David C. McLeod