Friday, March 23, 2007

A Slightly New Direction for a Change...

Now that I have released Book Two of the Dragon's Tear Chronicle and put that 2 year itch to rest, and now that I have given my loyal and faithful readers "Dancing with the Moon", "Chasing Shadows: Tales of East River", and "While the Wolves Cry" to sink their vampie loving fangs into and so on... I think it is time for me to shift gears once again and delve into subjects of a different vein....

I have been considering going over some older manuscripts or working on something fresh and more of a drama than horror novel. The ultimate decision is that I will be working on a historical fiction drama. It will come from the same spirit as Arthur Golden's "Memoirs of a Geisha" in the sense that though his book was a piece of incredible fiction, it was quite historically accurate and eye opening. My next project will entail the story of a Japanese-American girl who is shuffled to an American internment camp shortly after the events of Pearl Harbor.

Through the eyes of the main character, we will hopefully see what is American, what is Japanese, and what is even more than that- what is human. It's an ambitious story I am sure, but something I felt strongly about for quite some time. I don't always want to be known as a horror writer or vampire novelist per se. Even Stephen King and Anne Rice have taken themselves along some different branches on the main roads or paths they have travelled. One needs to see and experience new things to keep sharp and awake.

Anyway, I will keep you all posted.

David Conlin McLeod

Friday, March 09, 2007

Announcing! "While the Wolves Cry"

Announcing the release of "While the Wolves Cry: Book Two of the Dragon's Tear Chronicle" !!! Available exclusively through Trafford Publishing!

408 Pages, high quality trade paperback, softcover. Part Two of the on-going series called, "The Dragon's Tear Chronicle" started back in 2003 with the release of "Dancing with the Moon". This book follows the story of Amy Cavanaugh a special 13 year old girl thrust into a nightmare world of vampires, witches, darkness, and danger. Helping her unlock the mysteries of her grandmother's strange magical necklace is her best friend Robyne Sheridan, a troubled 14 year old girl who faces her own personal nightmares and inner demons. Together they come to learn that Amy's grandmother is not entirely all that she seems to be and the life they have lived has been skimming along the edges of a world no mortal has ever fully seen before.

The "Dragon's Tear", an ancient relic of a mysterious bloodline known as the Dragul-Mirov is now in the hands of two gypsies, Moon and Tsigane. After having rescued Amy from the intrigues and dark plots of one elder-aspiring vampire, Robert James Whitworth, they set off to return with their new prize and settle in their clan's ancestral home in Bistria- only to find that their new prize of the "Dragon's Tear" has become their punishment and most tormenting possesion of temptation.

The Dragul-Mirov, having learned of the appearence of their stolen relic, now seek out and hope to recapture their relic at any cost in hopes of stemming an event known to them as the "Ascension". What is it? Who will rise? What secrets deos the tear shaped gemstone contain?

I am hoping to set the retail price for the book at a reasonable $27.00. The book is high quality and something you will undoubtedly enjoy. I hope you'll consider my other works as well and keep in touch.