Monday, January 22, 2007


"While the Wolves Cry" has gone through a preliminary first draft phase and so far I am pleased with most of what I have written. The only thing that concerns me as I go through it with a fine toothed comb is if the story runs too fast and too complicated. I am worried that with so much going on, I am going to lose my Ideal Reader. I try to stick to the "Keep It Simple Stupid" Method, but in the case of my "Dragon's Tear" stuff, 9 times out of 10 the storylines practically write themselves and naturally come out complicated.

There are a lot of mysterioius elements in this book. I think I delve into all levels and shades of what a predator is. I think I also nail inner struggle and temptation. I think character development needs some work with at least one major character and as I type this, I am thinking of writing a novel focused entirely on that character. I'll give you a hint: She's a vampire compelled to care for a little ballerina.

During my winter break, I managed to put together what I call story "seeds" for my next few projects. They are basically scenes or story ideas I explore for a few pages at a time. The biggest "seed" is 17 pages long and is of the pure fantasy genre- no horror or vampires, just fantasy themes of the Dungeons and Dragons kinda ballpark.

Once I figure out how I want to release "While the Wolves Cry" and get the cover art situation settled, my next release will likely be a collection of short stories I have had in the Back Burner file, or perhaps "Midnight Rhapsody".