Thursday, December 21, 2006

Unexpected Delays

Well the manuscript for "While the Wolves Cry" is done and begining to collect it's first light layer of dust as I go through my second year of undergraduate studies at Eastern Connecticut State University. The exams are over now, so maybe, just maybe I can get to work on some cover art and finalize page layouts and get things in order for publication. Of course due to circumstances beyond my control, the financial issues that surround any of my publishing deals are nebulous at best. Had I been born a natural talent like Stephen King or J.K. Rowling or even John Grisham, I wouldn't have to worry about my books making money or my manuscripts ever getting published- these things would already happen as if automatically.

But as the release of my 5th book comes to fruition, I am now thinking of new directions to take my writing and new stories for my favorite characters. I am also thinking of works that are more thought provoking and more away from the mainstream horror genre. Then again, I don't think much of my work has ever really fit so neatly into the mainstream of any genre. I like to think that maybe I am pioneering my own genre. I have no idea what I would call it though. "Dark Fantasy"? "Redemptive Horror"? "Soulfull Horror"?

I think of how difficult it has been for me to be considered a sucessful writer... but would I trade anything for what the bestsellers have? I have integrity and honesty and seriousness on my side and not anyone can say I do this for money. After 4 books and maybe only a thousand dollars in royalties thus far, I doubt anyone would say I am motivated by money. If anything many might suggest to me that my best efforts are better spent elsewhere and not in writing.

I measure sucess differently... I measure sucess by the number of those readers I have touched.