Friday, November 03, 2006


A screenplay of "Dancing with the Moon" is in the planning stages with myself and the real screenplay genius and guru Kristin Johnson. I will be co-collaborating and helping her produce the screenplay with the hopes that the finished product will best represent the book and images and feelings and impact I have in mind. If all goes well, "Dancing with the Moon" may become a feature film or movie and surprise a lot of people including myself especially.

A screenplay is no guarentee of sucess of course- I know that. Having put out as many books as I have with some modest sucess, I know that I am by no means a Steven King or Anne Rice. What I am is a little known author creating his niche and establishing a work ethic and foot hold on a new aspect of horror and the genre of vampire horror especially. I didn't expect much in the way of return on investment so what I enjoy now is simply producing the books and stories and whatever comes from that is pure bonus.

I'd like to think that all I need is a big breakout book or opportunity and then my works will fly off the on-line shelves or whatever. As far as having the books goes, I made my breaks as far self-publishing is concerned and as far as making my name somewhat known in various little circles, I am working on that still.

This summer there may be plans to attend Connecti-Con in Hartford, CT. and possibly hosting some publishing workshops and writing workshops. I am not sure how warm I am to the idea considering the perception that I had some "complaints" from so-called "bored participants". One of the organizers wasn't very tactfull when it came to letting me know I wasn't invited to a panel last few years. He could have been honest with me and just say I wasn't what they were looking for or say budget restraints have left them bankrupt. Either way I wasn't charging anything for my time or materials- I was a free guest to them and they turned me down beacuse they claimed that of the 60 plus people that attended my workshops, a few felt I was boring (yet they stayed throughout the workshops to be polite?)

I wasn't about anime or how to make instant money. I was about the real process of writing for publication and the realities of what goes into becoming an author. I was also about dealing with writer's block and how to spark up your creative juices. People got out of my talks and workshops exactly what they wanted to put into it. Anyway... if I do a convention this year, it might be Connecti-con. We'll see.