Monday, October 16, 2006

Update on "While the Wolves Cry"

I am closing in on a publishing arrangement with Trafford Publishing for my next book, "While the Wolves Cry : Book Two of the Dragon's Tear Chronicle". I think I found some options that will allow for a quick release in 4-6 weeks. First though I need to pad my finances a bit and also finalize the cover art.

I might also consider taking in advanced orders for the book and offer signed copies to those that offer me a check for the cover price and shipping fees and a mailing address for shipping.

Considering the lack of feedback I get on my blog for this upcoming project it is hard to guage the interest people have for the series.

Overall though, I wouldn't give up on writing any time soon. I might postpone the publishing a few months just to guarentee the finances.

Life would be easier of course if I had better publishing arrangements and more fans and more money- but beggers can't be choosers.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dancing with the Moon ( A Screenplay?)

Update - It is still very early to tell exactly, but the idea is in the works that I might collaborate with Kristin Johnson (4-time author and screenplay writer) on producing "Dancing with the Moon" for a screenplay for potential film project. While this might be incredibly exciting news, I am being cautiously optimistic. While it would be huge to have my work lend itself to visual media on the big or small screen, I am very possesssive and proud of my works. Any movie made of my work would have to essentially represent what it is I see in my head and feel in my heart. Anything less than that is not worth my stamp of approval.

I think if I collaborate with a veteran screenplay writer, the best I have to offer will be honed and explored with the best Kristin Johnson can offer. The potential is huge.