Saturday, April 08, 2006

8 Pages

8 Pages on a Saturday with a Hartford Wolf-Pack game blasting in the background. I am trying to go back to some of my roots- writing scenes and mini-stories and chapters as they come t0 me. I plan to collect all these little bits and pieces and put them together for a book. It will be titled "Red Lotus" - based on a concept I had a few years ago.

The scenes I am writing now are based on some concepts and characters I like including themes around ballet, gymnastics, vampires, horror, drama, and children. There will be scenes around my favorite characters like Miyoko, Alyssa, Paige, Amy, and Robyne. I will also be including bits and pieces of Moon and Tsigane and maybe add some new characters.

I am still miffed that Publish America didn't want "Midnight Rhapsody".